cataztrophe 發表於 2023-2-14 00:04:05

Fat Pig Scamming Water Fish - Black Shop

I've been waited for so long to write this.
There is one black shop in Toronto where the keeper is a fat pig.It looks like a farm in China when you see her laying on the couch.Her expertise is forcing water fish to eat pork chop and not letting them choose the whore they want.A lot of WFs will fall for her pressure tactics and eat whatever she points them to or else they can't leave the apartment.
They had used fake pictures through out.
Now she has raised her price to above average rates and once again forcing these prices down their throats.It is a waste of time going to this place that I always hated and you are making the keeper happy by going their and defeats the original purpose of whoring which is getting a big discount on the whore that you want after looking at all the whores in the whore house, but no choosing, and if you dare to say anything about looking at the whores, she will blast you out.She wants promiscuous WF customers that will fuck anything they see as WFs are promiscuous by nature.Dont go to this shop as you will get ripped off.

It is all about her being able to get your donations in her hands quick.Any waiting to see the next whore will piss her right off as you are delaying payment she will yell and it is not an issue with getting yelled at is ok if it avoids me wasting money on whores I dont want but her bad breath that makes my JJ soft.Who is this keeper?Can anyone guess?

多倫多有一家黑店, 裡面的老板像個大肥豬.她在沙發敞著時就像是在國內的豬場一樣.
她的專長是強迫客人去吃那些很醜的囡囡, 而且不讓客人有任何選擇權利.

现在,她将价格提高到高于平均水平,并継續迫使他们接受这些价格。去这地方是浪费时间,你去他们那里唯一結果是只有這肥豬开心,失去了嫖妓最初的目的,在看了所有妓女之后,你得到了一些折扣,但没有选择權,你要是敢要求挑選別的妓女的话,她就把你轰出去。她想要的客户,是那些會被她操控的一群.   千萬不要去这家商店,因为你会被敲诈。

这一切都是为了讓她能够快速将您的錢交到她手中。任何想挑選看下一个妓女的人都会因为你拖延付款而立即惹恼她,她会大喊大叫,这不是被大吼大叫的问题,如果这样可以避免我在我不想要的妓女身上浪费金钱,但她的口臭让我很生气, 我的老二也软了下來.这个店主是谁?谁能猜到?

PS5 發表於 2023-2-14 01:27:15

3000 Victoria Park 山東婆?

cataztrophe 發表於 2023-2-14 01:33:14

No ar, not mountain east women.How much do they charge at max at 3000 Victoria park, at max 80 dollars.The fat pig is charging a skyrocketing amount.

Rock哥 發表於 2023-2-14 12:53:32

好明顯係Honeybebe 嘅 KELLY啦~;P 我以前比佢昆唔少啦, 後期佢地全部用假相又收到撚咁貴, 冇去好耐了.

cataztrophe 發表於 2023-2-15 01:58:01

Rock哥 發表於 2023-2-14 12:53
好明顯係Honeybebe 嘅 KELLY啦~ 我以前比佢昆唔少啦, 後期佢地全部用假相又收到撚咁貴, 冇去好耐了.

You are the winner of this game.Please come collect your free fuck.

If the picture are fake, they have to put a line underneath the pictures saying it is fake or else it will scam a lot of WFs.I always make sure keepers do this cause I got scammed by these fake pictures a lot to the point of when I have my own forum, I will make sure I impose these rules ignoring the fact that if HB shows those fat C9 pics it will not scare away customer and in this case main point for advertisement aint business.

Rock哥 發表於 2023-2-18 18:56:18

cataztrophe 發表於 2023-2-15 01:58
You are the winner of this game.Please come collect your free fuck.

If the picture are fake, th ...

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