Rock哥 發表於 2022-11-27 18:56:32

Yoko & Mimi @ Purple Sugar Spa [Chinese]

見到久違了的紫糖店又上廣告, 下意識想起了NANA, 決定過去看看.
去到發現, 原來NANA已經急流暗湧退了.但都沒有關係, 有女吃就行.

因為我週末經常會到附近買菜, 隻母老虎又沒有跟著一起, 所以星期五去完星期天今天又去一次.

星期五試了的是Mimi, 混血泰妹, 比較屬於野性的類型, PSE形容比較貼切. 第一眼見到她, 佢第一句
就係" Pick me, I will make you very happy"...半推半就下, 就入咗房. 沖完涼Mimi一除衫, 嘩, 好多紋身
喎, 咁樣嘅設定, 服務肯定係狂野型啦!果然不出所料, 全程由佢帶動, 坐在我上面係咁Un, 真係定力

今日去試完日本妹, 我比較喜歡呢類型多些.可能係日本人關係, Yoko比較文靜, 怕怕羞羞咁.
年齡幾後生吓, 當然冇Mimi咁主動, 但係我比例喜歡溫溫柔柔, 慢慢來的.身材細細粒, 算是中等
偏細.唔係太瘦, 恰到好處. 她只上星期日, 如果下次有緣會再試:)

francoau 發表於 2022-12-5 00:04:08

How much donation??Were those SPA MMs only offering CBJ but no BBBJ service??DFK on menu or not??

Rock哥 發表於 2022-12-5 13:34:03

francoau 發表於 2022-12-5 00:04
How much donation??Were those SPA MMs only offering CBJ but no BBBJ service??DFK on menu or not? ...

I had asked the same question to the owner too, they told me a few can be DFK, there are three girls can't but they didn't mention names so you may have to ask them on site.BBBJ is available.
Moreover, I'd tried to go today but when I call they told me there's renovation on the shower rooms so they'll reopen on Wed or Thursday. :)

wellwell 發表於 2023-2-9 13:19:56

what is the damage now?

危天行 發表於 2023-2-9 14:02:27

wellwell 發表於 2023-2-9 13:19
what is the damage now?

I heard that room fees had increased by $10
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