KC_LAU 發表於 2020-10-19 14:30:13

chinadog 發表於 2020-10-19 15:06:07

This lady looks like she got a good personality.Who is she?

lomo 發表於 2020-10-19 16:02:42

好熟口面, 好像在那裡見過:o

Rock哥 發表於 2020-10-19 18:19:28

呢個應該係 Inhouse 嘅 Sasa, 佢好多年前在大陸黎到加拿大, 在DT Terry嘅場做女,

由於好識用手段對啲客, 而且咩都肯做, 口爆, 吞精, 爆菊, 顏射樣樣精, 好快就成為Terry場內嘅紅牌,

當年無人不識.之後見自己咁紅, 無理由益咗Terry, 於是就自己自立門戶, 出黎開咗間 80蚊場, 生意

開始越做越好, 賺到兩個嗅錢...機緣考合下, 認識到恩客Wendy呢個男人, 沒有身份嘅Sasa 好快就馬住

呢件柒頭皮, Wendy就柒下柒下幫Sasa攪結婚.Sasa就為佢生咗對仔女.

可惜好景不常, Sasa老公 Wendy認識到一些損友, 開始食毒品, 而且染上深深嘅毒癮.

Sasa由於經常要上班, 很少回家, 令到Wendy思想上覺得老婆日日比班契家佬輪, 導致他終日在外惹事生非,

最後仲要坐監.到Wendy出獄後, 由於死性不改, 仍然經常在外生事, Sasa唯有將佢送番福建老家, 聽講他在

福建教書做了老師, 但實際是在大陸幫Sasa搵女, 為加拿大貨源引線...

可惜在呢段期間, DT 生意越來越差, 亦經常被警察查, 終於要負上法律責任.而為咗有人頂罪, Sasa利用跟了她

多年嘅手下 Peter幫佢頂罪, 而Peter因為承受唔到將要坐監嘅可能, 最後在Sasa呢個場裡面釣頸自殺而死.

Peter亦變成間接被Sasa害死.在Peter 死後, 在多個深夜, 好多囡囡都在呢個場聽到怪聲, 嚇到不敢上班,

最後Sasa亦只好結束營業, 搬到Markham.關於佢仔女的下次再講.

只知道這麼多, 請自行補充:P

chinadog 發表於 2020-10-20 15:40:52

Rock哥 發表於 2020-10-19 18:19
呢個應該係 Inhouse 嘅 Sasa, 佢好多年前在大陸黎到加拿大, 在DT Terry嘅場做女,

由於好識用手段對啲客, ...

Yo this is the dude uncovering scams for HK dating site....haha

nah man, even if she would head back DT, the competition in DT is so fierce now, I dont think she will be able to make it.

But yeah that is crazy manipulation to the point where someone dies is no jokes.I must give her respects for her street skills as I had only seen one other female who can manipulate to the point where someone dies.

I will avoid this place from now on as I dont want to risk my life into getting conned into dying.....Like physical and literally dying.

greenhat 發表於 2020-10-23 22:51:56

I mean, I heard from girls telling me that her markham places are haunted as girls would wake up and see stuff.We need a fortune teller and someone who knows feng shui to help her.

cataztrophe 發表於 2020-10-24 00:01:10

chinadog 發表於 2020-10-19 15:06
This lady looks like she got a good personality.Who is she?

You are a fortune teller

Rc2021 發表於 2020-10-24 23:09:29

She used to have some really good talent at dt location. Too bad is all gone now

危天行 發表於 2020-10-26 20:39:05

Rc2021 發表於 2020-10-24 23:09
She used to have some really good talent at dt location. Too bad is all gone now

Ghost town it become:Q

chinadog 發表於 2020-10-27 04:11:55

I heard that Wendy use to be a bad ass.You know the guy had tattoos all over his body.He has a lot of gangster friends.I heard he use to drive his wife's girls home and before the girl got off, he will try french kiss them to see if he can knock off any chances to get into the girls pants/home for a invisible session behind his wife's back which girls gossiped about.Words got around and even I know about it so I am sure sasa doesnt.

Then sasa saw that the situation with Wendy was uncontrollable so brain washed him back to china and now the guy looks like a water fish teaching kids in kindergardens when he belongs in a street gang is how powerful sasa's manipulation is.
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