GTX008 發表於 2020-3-6 07:42:40

又有大件事! VIP SPA 有囡囡住响4091/4101 Sheppard [急!!]

又有料爆! 本人收到可靠消息, VIP SPA 其中兩個囡囡 (Elaine & Angela) 住响 4091/4101 Sheppard.

一直有開工, 知道都仲有番工, 冇隔離過, 好撚冇公德心, 都係果句, 為安全起見,
我不管真假,唔想搵命搏, 唔信嘅可以當我冇講過, 但唔好話冇提醒過大家!!

仲有, 護旗手唔該唔好再死出來, 生命由關!!

Wtf001 發表於 2020-3-6 10:18:11

講開先講前幾日有個朋友剛剛從中國返加拿大,佢電話同我講話依家中國封城後係全球最安全的,唔駛擔心,我問佢係唔係隔離緊,佢仲要同我爭論話我睇太多負面新聞,更恐佈嘅係我聽另一個朋友講佢落機第二日就走咗去Vip spa揾女。我真心覺得呢個風險比住在4091/4101 sheppard更大。

mofoking 發表於 2020-3-6 13:26:49

Avoid VIP for all cause:funk:

hrhcharles 發表於 2020-3-6 16:51:18

本帖最後由 cataztrophe 於 2020-3-6 19:52 編輯

Wtf001 發表於 2020-3-6 10:18
講開先講前幾日有個朋友剛剛從中國返加拿大,佢電話同我講話依家中國封城後係全球最安全的,唔駛擔心,我問 ...
Agreed that those recent overseas returner could potentially spread this virus to the MPA than someone who happens to live within the same condo building!

危天行 發表於 2020-3-6 18:30:11

hrhcharles 發表於 2020-3-6 16:51
Agreed that those recent overseas returner could potentially spread this virus to the MPA than som ...
You must be kidding me without logic? The security at that condo building is a confirmed case coronavirus carrier.All the residence in that building had the highest potential risk than anything else as that security guy had already worked in that building for a week after his return.If VIP's two girls were living there, than they have the highest risk both at the building and at Vip spa.

cataztrophe 發表於 2020-3-7 22:58:51

I thought he was out of the game and married but apparently still active.

GTX008 發表於 2020-3-18 12:49:47

又有料八, VIP其中住响KENNEDY/SHEPPARD 一條女真係確疹, 攪到VIP成間都係菌, 老闆娘怕夜長夢多攪到冇客敢去, 立即搵咗個新地點開番間. 搬啲女過去.

Wtf001 發表於 2020-3-18 17:02:11


危天行 發表於 2020-3-18 17:08:24

Wtf001 發表於 2020-3-18 17:02
依家TORONTO咁多人中咗招, 有幾多個係去完VIP"滾" 會話比政府/醫生知ai, 好難講!!

greenhat 發表於 2020-3-22 19:06:54

危天行 發表於 2020-3-18 17:08
依家TORONTO咁多人中咗招, 有幾多個係去完VIP"滾" 會話比政府/醫生知ai, 好難講!! ...
I am wondering whether if I wear a mask and eye protection when I fuck the hooker at VIP Spa and assuming if the hooker is positive case for corona virus, will I still catch it?Like I am sure the corona virus isnt sexually transmitted.

The reason why I am asking is because I want to go whoring and very scared.Also, do you know where I can get one of those astronaut suits?I want to make a hole in the suit and stick out my dick when fucking the hooker.Do you think that a astronaut suit can prevent the corona virus from entering me?
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